• in one true living God, eternally and infinitely powerful, wise, good, righteous, loving, and faithful. He alone is the Creator and Sustainer of all living things. God is three distinct Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; yet one God.
  • the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the authority for our beliefs and life decisions.
  • all people sin by disobeying God and are separated from Him. However, His amazing, never-ending love for everyone has made a way for all people to find Him.
  • our only hope is trusting in Jesus Christ who died on the cross to reconcile us to God. This salvation is received as a gift from God and cannot be earned by being good enough. Repentance and faith are key parts of receiving this gift.
  • the Holy Spirit heals, transforms and empowers us to live God-centered lives.
  • the Church is God’s creation. We are a fellowship of faith; the hands and feet of Jesus in this world to do good. The church’s mission is to share the good news of Jesus with everyone and welcome them into our community.
  • the Christian life is a daily journey of becoming who God wants us to be. We encourage one another to grow in our relationship with God with regular worship, prayer, serving, giving and connecting with one another. We cannot do this alone.
  • the return of Jesus Christ is real and that all people will answer to God for the life they have lived. We believe in real eternal consequences – Heaven and Hell. This drives us to share the good news of God’s love to everyone because we were all made for Heaven!